Second-Handsome BOOKS
Pre-owned — Collectible — Bought & Sold

A Thousand Days Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. (Volume I, Library of Great Lives)

Aesop's Fables Munro Leaf (100 Greatest Books)

Ashes to Ashes Richard Kluger (1997 Pulitzer Prize Winners)

Billy Budd / Benito Cerreno Herman Melville (Mstrpcs. of American Literature)

Come to Think of It Daniel Schorr (SIGNED First Editions)

Darkness at Noon Arthur Koestler (Great Books of the 20th Century)

The Day of the Triffids John Wyndham (Masterpcs. of Sci. Fi.)

The Effayes Francis Bacon 100 Greatest Books)

The Enchantress of Florence Salman Rushdie (SIGNED First Editions)

Euripedes Vellacott translation (100 Greatest Books)

For Spacious Skies Scott Carpenter/Kris Stoever (SIGNED Collector's Edition)

Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift (100 Greatest Books)

The Iliad of Homer (100 Greatest Books)

Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë (100 Greatest Books)

The Jungle Books Rudyard Kipling (100 Greatest Books)