Second-Handsome BOOKS
Pre-owned — Collectible — Bought & Sold

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J. K. Rowling (3rd printing, 1998)

Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban J. K. Rowling (2nd printing, 1999)

Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone J. K. Rowling (19th printing, 1997)

Hawaii James Michener (1st printing, 1959)

Hell's Angels Hunter S. Thompson (1st printing, 1967)

The Ipcress File Len Deighton (1st printing, 1962)

Jonathan Livingston Seagull Richard Bach (7th printing, 1970)

The Last Picture Show Larry McMurtry (1st printing, 1966)

Lighthousekeeping Jeanette Winterson (1st printing, 2004)

Lila Marilynne Robinson (1st printing, 2014)

The Link Philip MacDonald (Crime Club) (1st printing, 1930)

Listening Woman Tony Hillerman 1st printing, SIGNED, 1978)

Madman's Drum Lynd Ward (1st printing, 1930)