Second-Handsome BOOKS
Pre-owned — Collectible — Bought & Sold

Leap of Faith Gordon Cooper (SIGNED Collector's Edition)

Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert (100 Greatest Books)

The Man of Property John Galsworthy (Collector's Library of Famous Editions)

The Martian Chronicles Ray Bradbury (SIGNED Collector's Edition)

Martin Dressler Steven Millhauser (SIGNED, 1997 Pulitzer Prize Winners)

Native Son Richard Wright (Great Books of the 20th Century)

The Oresteia Aeschylus (100 Greatest Books)

Paradise Lost Jonathan Swift (100 Greatest Books)

The Poems of John Keats Aileen Ward (100 Greatest Books)

The Poems of W. B. Yeats William Tindall (100 Greatest Books)

Portnoy's Complaint Philip Roth (Great Books of the 20th Century)

The Portrait of A Lady Henry James (100 Greatest Books)

The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane (100 Greatest Books)

The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy (100 Greatest Books)

She Stoops to Conquer Oliver Goldsmith (100 Greatest Books)

The Talisman Sir Walter Scott (100 Greatest Books)